I never thought I'd have this problem. Seems like something that you'd see on one of those teenage shows on Disney or something.
The guy that I've gone on two dates with (K) seems totally into me, but we don't text much except for planning dates and really only talk on said dates.
The guy that I've been texting with (G) since he gave me his number at work makes me smile, even if it's only through texting. Just seeing that there's a message for me from him makes me happy.
I enjoy hanging out with both of them.
Too bad K seems to be interested in me as more than friends. Because I don't feel anything more towards him as a friend.
Too bad G seems interested in just friendship. Because I'm interested in something a little bit closer.
And then there's S (co-conspirator in customer service). Not because I'm interested, but because she thinks Spider likes me. "Like-likes you," is how she said it.
Well... What the fuck do I do with this information?
When she first said she thought he liked me I figured "Sure, why not? He can trust me to get things done, I volunteer to stay late to (help) finish re-shops, and he can actually talk to me about random crap not work related.
So yeah, sure, he likes me. Doesn't hurt that (for the most part) we've gotten past the psychological warfare.
Bonus points that I admitted to him that I understand why he gets so damn frustrated with some of us (had my own experience with another coworker)
Ugh, there was more, but my brain is going into safe mode.
I'll just leave one last thought before stopping:
I would be mortified if he ever found out about the dreams.
I lied. Two last thoughts. 2nd is: What's the line between dating someone to get to know them, and leading them on?
Because it would convenient if I started feeling more for the guy that obviously likes me.
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