Wednesday, March 11, 2015


There is a mouse in the basement. It looked brown the first few times I saw it, but last time it was grey. Hmm, maybe there's more than one. Shit.

I never realized I had a fear of ladybugs until I moved into this house. We have a strange amount of them here. Maybe it's just flying bugs/insects I can stand. I don't like birds either, but they don't freak me out, nor do I have a fear of flying. And I love bats, so it's not the flying part.

I'm just typing out random things now, like that I'm closing my right eye to type this.
I also enjoy watching other people play video games. Mostly for the story line.

I've been avoiding telling my house mates that I think we lost power to a few outlets. Mostly because the outlets are in the basement and I'm the only one who uses them. Not a big deal, but I don't want them to think I did it. I only had two things plugged in anyway, and I'd been doing it for a few months before this happened.

I also don't want to tell them about the mouse. Cuz that shit is totally my fault, considering that I'm a lazy slob who doesn't sweep or vacuum, and tends to brush food onto the floor.

Why don't I want to sleep? I had an eight out shift and it's 3:36 AM. I could probably sleep.

How the fuck do I turn off my brain?

So. Many. Typos. You just can't see them because I'm correcting them as I go along.

I need to repaint my nails. And stop biting them

And now it's 5AM. I need to sleep.

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